The development of instrumentation to measure material properties has paralleled our understanding of their molecular properties. From the use of U tube viscometers to measure the viscosity of Newtonian liquids, we now use viscometers that routinely measure viscosity as a function of shear rate together with rheometers that can characterize the solid-like properties of the same material.
- iX77™ Rheometer: A coaxial cylinder type Rheometer designed to measure fluid rheologies under high pressures and temperatures with a high degree of safety.
- Marsh Funnel Viscometer: A simple device for indicating viscosity on a routine basis
- Model 45 APV: The Model 45 APV (Automatic Programmable Viscometer) allows for customized, preprogrammed test schedules with touch screen controls digital measurement technology. l
- Rheometer Model 280 Hand-Powered
- Rheometer Model 50SL High Temperature: Designed for testing fluids at temperatures to 500°F (260°C) and pressures to 1,000 psig (7,000 kPa) in a coaxial cylinder chamber
- RheoVADR Rheometer: The RheoVADR Variable Automated Digital Rheometer allows recording test data without connecting to a computer or network.
- Viscometer – Model 35: The Fann Model 35 Viscometer is the standard of the industry
- Viscometer – Model 35 Accessories