Fann manufactures a variety of instruments to test the viscosity of a drilling fluid or mud. Ranging from the simple Marsh Funnel to to rotational viscometers like the industry standard Model 35 Viscometer to the high pressure, high temperature iX77 Rheometer, the Fann line includes an instrument for any drillilng fluid testing need, in the field or in the lab.
Product List
- Viscometer – Model 35: The Fann Model 35 Viscometer is the standard of the industry
- iX77™ Rheometer: A coaxial cylinder type Rheometer designed to measure fluid rheologies under high pressures and temperatures with a high degree of safety.
- RheoVADR Rheometer: The RheoVADR Variable Automated Digital Rheometer allows recording test data without connecting to a computer or network.
- Rheometer Model 50SL High Temperature: Designed for testing fluids at temperatures to 500°F (260°C) and pressures to 1,000 psig (7,000 kPa) in a coaxial cylinder chamber
- Rheometer Model 280 Hand-Powered
- Model 45 APV: The Model 45 APV (Automatic Programmable Viscometer) allows for customized, preprogrammed test schedules with touch screen controls digital measurement technology.
- Marsh Funnel Viscometer: A simple device for indicating viscosity on a routine basis
- DNA System: The Fann DNA system is proprietary software and hardware used to connect multiple Fann Instrument Company products to a computer.